Last year I talked to the students about some things they have done at school that they really loved. I gave everyone post-it notes and asked them to draw their ideas. We then put all the post-it notes on the board to study them. From all of those notes I choose some images to put on a large canvas.
I had four very large canvases that I enlarged the student's drawings onto. I also added a few of our guiding principles and the date. We started painting the canvas mural last spring at Celebration of the Arts night. I had a few fourth graders acting as painting facilitators to help the youngsters paint.
The entire piece is like a giant Eye Spy. See if you can find images of Glow, shark dissection, music class, planets, growing sunflowers in third grade, snow day, walk-a-thon, the fourth grade versus teacher basketball game, the fire truck at field day and more.