Thursday, November 21, 2013

Rex Ray Collage

The fourth garde artists have been studying the artist Rex Ray.  We learned about the process he used and his motivation. This was a follow up lesson after our color theory lesson. First, the artists had to create the papers they were to use on their collages, they also had to paint a board or a book using a masking technique. They had to make many sketches of  their ideas. They were challenged by having to think about whether their sketch would translate to a collage. Then they had to cut and paste. I was not sure if these would be any good, this is the first time for this project and I have to admit I am very excited at the results.

Rex Ray's work

 Painted paper
Painted paper
More papers
Masked boards
A masked, primed journal
Another journal


Finished work






Friday, November 1, 2013

Kinder Fish

The kindergarten artists made these recycled fish out of all kinds of detritus we have been collecting in the art room. The project included painting skills, weaving, cutting and designing their fish. We also discussed the importance of keeping pollution and trash out of the ocean.

This Week in the Art Classroom